Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 People with Telus email accounts will have noticed that Telus has decided to hive off responsibility for them to Google mail, the more secure version of gmail, sold to businesses.

About a month ago, we “migrated” our rarely-used family account to Google, without much incident.

Then Telus told me last week that it was time to migrate my personal Telus email account. I set that up for this morning, and got a notice in my inbox (sent to island.net; it's significant that’s not a Google account) that the migration had happened. 

Approximately simultaneously Thunderbird, my email client of choice (as it has been for about 20 years) started to squawk about being unable to contact the account in question.
I'd carefully prepared by assembling the instructions, but of course if one already has two other Google accounts nothing looks like the instructions suggest. And Google apparently isn't that fond of Macs and hates Thunderbird. 

Fortunately there are settings even for email clients that don’t have Google’s immediate approval, if you can find them. I did, eventually, so entered the required information, and then got a message that the account had successfully migrated.
Thunderbird continued to complain bitterly that it couldn't connect. So I looked at the settings for our family account and could see why: both incoming and outgoing servers were obviously wrong.
Except that one cannot edit the settings of an account already in Thunderbird.
Solution? Trash that account and start a new one.

So I did the laptop, expecting further issues, but having done the desktop, that turned out to be a breeze.
Still, it took me the best part of 1.5 hours.

I'm retired; of course none of this matters.
But I cannot believe that I'm the only one with a Mac and more than one email address! 

Because the process I encountered is distinctly convoluted.