Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2022 12:34 AM
To: Perspectives (POEC/CEDU) <>
Subject: Emergencies Act
I live on Vancouver Island but can report that
the longer the occupation of Ottawa lasted last February, the greater
the schism opening up here, to the point that a fringe minority, driving
pickups festooned with upside-down Canadian
flags and obscene posters, organized their own mini-Convoy to Victoria
to scream about oppression. Not once, but twice.
There were many instances and an increasing
frequency of public figures being harassed by obviously-uncontrolled men
shouting about "freedom", mask and vaccination mandates, and hatred of
our government.
We wanted it shut down before it turned into something more serious.
Consequently, the vast majority of us here supported the invoking of the Emergencies Act.
We applauded Parliament's action to cut off a more widespread insurrection when it finally did.
(The last remnants are with us still.)
And the response from the Commission, received today: