Thursday, October 30, 2008

reply to geoff

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 9:51 AM
To: Geoff Goodship
Subject: Re:

I never shared his delusion that he'd be fisheries minister. With one unremarkable exception (Cummings) that's always gone to the East Coast, and the opportunity to put a female in the post must have been irresistible! Besides, Duncan isn't that talented, not even in a Conservative government short of talent.
By "professionalized" he probably means he paid to have a lot of the work done. We were phoned several times before the election was called by what were obviously professional marketers; the sign campaign, for the second time, was clearly directed from elsewhere, because it was identical to all the other ones I saw; the newspaper ads, although I didn't find them appealing, were not the work of amateurs, etc.
As for Catherine's campaign, it actually was reasonably competent, although they duplicated a lot of initiatives they didn't need to. But the demographics are not in the NDP's favour in this riding: she lost
only Port McNeill in the north and won overwhelmingly on the islands, came very close to tying Duncan in Campbell River, and lost big time in Comox/Courtenay. If the constituency ended with Merville, Catherine
would have won quite comfortably.
Apparently Stan Hagen is taking credit on behalf of his activists for the win.
I think the explanation is that the Liberal vote that was coming the NDP's way came over in the last last election, giving Catherine the win, and the bit that was left went to the Conservatives this time.

Geoff Goodship wrote:
> >
> > The morning news....
> >
> > Well, so much for John Duncan dream that he would be the minister of
> > fisheries. Ken Antonelli will be fuming today.
> >
> > Speaking of John Duncan,,, the morning after his election he gave a
> > statement on CBC saying that his victory was due to the fact that he
> > had "professionalized his campaign. "
> >
> > I wondered what that meant, apart from $$$ from Conservative campaign
> > headquarters ?
> >
> > What did , or did not,,, Catherine's campaign do to lose ?
> >
> > G
> >

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