Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Big wind

We live in a windy part of the world, so seeing the rain flowing uphill on Marina Boulevard just outside the front door is not a new phenomenon for us. However, since we built here it has lessened as the lots in our part of Rockland have filled up and the trees have grown.
So last Monday's wind storm, from which significant areas of Campbell River have not yet recovered, was an interesting experience: the most violent since we've lived here.
Happily, the house, while it groaned a lot, survived without damage, and we were without power only 12 hours. In fact, we had a fine time reading, feeding the fire, commenting on the weather, and making coffee on the camp stove.
It wasn't till the wind died and the sun came out that we noticed the remains of the green house (in this blog: "Paean to polyurethane" from November 7, 2010) and the fact that a major pine tree in the park across the way was down.

At least it didn't launch.

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