Saturday, September 26, 2015

Update: our community mailboxes

So what’s up with Canada Post and the mailboxes they promised we’d have no later than September 21?
Turns out, in Campbell River the Canada Post contractors got only the first third done, prepared the sites for most — but not all — the others, and then, near as I can tell, halted the project. Maybe only temporarily, but I’ve seen no progress since well before the 21st.
People here tend to blame the incompetence of Canada Post, an easy target. Some even blame the union (how on earth does that work?!) 
But what if the apparent stoppage is deliberate policy? What if someone has finally  figured out that if the Conservatives don’t win the election, they’re not actually going to need those boxes in those locations?
That would actually be kind of smart!
And nobody at Canada Post is going to put out the obvious press release, saying, “It’s likely there will be a change in government after the election, so we’re going to wait until we get our new instructions.”
Even if that were entirely accurate!

September 29 revision:
Sandy was right and I was wrong: Canada Post is merely incompetent, proved by the fact that our mailbox arrived sometime late yesterday.
Which once again demonstrates the wisdom of Occam's Razor: the simplest answer is probably correct.
Justus' Addendum also applies: it's almost always delusional to look for any of subtlety, strategic thinking, or intelligence when dealing with a bureaucracy!

1 comment:

MELane said...

Very interesting. I wonder if that is the case across the country. Thanks for the update Justus. Marion