Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Letter to the Globe

I almost posted this editorial (!) because I agree with the first paragraphs profoundly. Then I read the penultimate paragraph.
So instead I wrote a letter:

Your editorial (Oct 11) calls referendums "Democracy's blight" and then, in 13 well-argued paragraphs proves the point, concluding they are, "...politically motivated gambits designed to trick people into voting in favour of a thing they might well vote against on a different day."
But then, in paragraph 14, the editorial continues, "There are moments that cry out for them, such as the Trudeau government’s plan to end Canada’s first-past-the-post electoral system," before concluding, "They (referendums) are anything but exercises in real democracy."
Why didn't you just call the editorial "Having our cake and eating it too"?

Note: In the online edition, the editorial is titled "From Colombia to Hungary, the dark side of modern referendums" 

It was published Wednesday, October 12.

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