Saturday, January 5, 2019

Another rejected letter...

The Globe didn't like this enough to publish it when I sent it to the editor on December 31; however, I just came across it again, and I still like it, and still think it both concise and relevant:

On this side of the Rockies we're getting a little tired of Albertans whining about their economy and oil glut and pretending it's somehow our fault.
Alberta's in trouble? Their per capita GDP in 2017 was $20,000 more than Canada's, $21,000 more than ours.
They need their pipeline? Not at the expense of our coastal economy, they don't. If there's an over-supply, stop producing so much. The resource won't go away.
They're paying more than their share in equalization? They're just paying their federal taxes, like the rest of us. What the feds do with that money afterwards is Canada's problem, not Alberta's.
They're having trouble paying for their government services? That's what taxes are for. The rest of us pay sales tax; they don't.
Enough, already! 

Also, I haven't seen any of the arguments presented  here refuted.

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