Thursday, March 9, 2023

Letter to the Globe


    I'm not even remotely Chinese, but if I were I'd be outraged that Globe journalists Chase and Fife have swallowed the apparent CSIS line, hook, and sinker that Canadian citizens of Chinese origin are so easily influenced that if China "tried to elect 11 candidates..." it had a reasonable chance of doing so.
    I remind the Globe that only Canadian citizens can vote in Canadian elections, and it is profoundly insulting to suggest that Chinese Canadians would be particularly susceptible to the blandishments of a foreign state.
    As a former Dutch citizen I can assure you that in the unlikely event that the government of The Netherlands wished to put its oar into Canadian elections, this would not influence me in the slightest!
    I would also point out that if we were truly concerned about foreign influences in out political life, we need look no further than the flood of MAGA propaganda and financing from south of the border, as evidenced by the recent "Freedom Convoy" protests.
    We have strict rules concerning election funding and influence in Canada. If any of those rules were broken by any group or government, that should obviously be dealt with in the usual way, not by rumour and innuendo.

submitted March 9, 2023

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